In developing clinical visions for the 52 primary care networks in West Yorkshire, five Places used a bespoke version of the services and estates planning toolkit, a collaboration between NHSE, NAPC and CHP – which focuses on a population health led approach to planning informed by population health priorities and innovative models of care. The tool challenges thinking around future space requirements and supports alignment with the integrated care strategy. Using the toolkit enabled the Places to better understand their population health needs, future care model design, workforce and digital requirements. The toolkit has a strong focus on engagement encouraging PCNs to involve all key stakeholders across the neighbourhood it serves and develop a core team to support delivery.
Places are encouraged to focus on understanding the current service provision across the PCN including workforce profile and the use of digital health technologies. Then to identify gaps, including population health needs that are not currently sufficiently addressed. This allowed the team to consider the wider opportunities for enhanced PCN integration.
The toolkit encourages PCNs to also think about the physical implications for their clinical visions with an emphasis on optimising existing estate and collaborating with other partners, recognising that funds for ambitious capital projects will be finite. For more information contact