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Cornwall NHS project shortlisted for prestigious national award

The joint entry is for the Community Health and Wellbeing Worker model, a collaboration between the NHS and voluntary sector.

Let’s change the narrative around access

By Dr Minesh Patel National Association of Primary Care board member

The election, primary care, and hope?

An opinion piece from NAPC’s Council Member

NAPC welcomes additional ARRs funding

We welcome today’s DHSC announcement that there will be additional ARRs funding which can be spent by PCNs on employing Newly Qualified GPs.

Reflections from the King’s Fund Event

On 25th June the NAPC President, Ash Soni OBE, attended the King’s Fund for an event on ‘Meeting the productivity challenge’

NAPC Post Election Statement

Our congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer on securing the opportunity to form a new Government. We look forward to working with you and welcome an early opportunity to meet with the Secretary of State for Health and their team.

NAPC response to Matthew Taylor’s speech at NHS ConfedExpo June 2024

The NAPC has long been championing the need to get serious about prevention, so it was good to hear Matthew Taylor, CEO NHS Confed, agreeing with us that a radical change is needed to “address an NHS stuck in perpetual crisis management”.

Election Statement from NAPC

Joint Chief Executive Matthew Walker said “We need to see a renewed commitment to improve the health and wellbeing of the nation by genuinely supporting clinicians and citizens to take a more proactive approach. We can make a meaningful impact not in years but in weeks and months. This must be supported by organisations across primary and secondary care, working in partnership to provide services that work for communities.”

Community health wellbeing workers challenge an NHS based on clinical need

You can now read Dr. Johnny Marshall’s (NAPC Senior Leadership Team) piece in ‘Healthcare Leader’ on how Community Health and Wellbeing Workers present a solution to health inequality and challenge the principle of an NHS based on clinical need.

The National Association of Primary Care – from birth to infancy

We are excited to be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the formation of the NAPC and we look forward to the next 25 years and more.

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