NAPC’s Response to The NHS 2025/26 Priorities and Operational Planning Guidance
The NHS priorities and operational guidance for 25/26 has been released with a focus on the need to ‘drive the reform that will support delivery of our immediate priorities and ensure the NHS is fit for the future’
Our urgent and emergency care improvement proposals
A joint statement on reform from: the Patients Association, Royal College of
Emergency Medicine, Royal College of General Practitioners, College of
Paramedics, National Association of Primary Care, Association of Ambulance
Chief Executives
NAPC’ Responds to Statement on GP Reforms
Dr Caroline Taylor NAPC Clinical Chair and GP We welcome the announcement from the Secretary of State committing to long overdue improved funding for general practice which has struggled for years trying to meet ever increasing demand with reducing resources. We heartily welcome a reduction
Congratulations to the HSJ Awards 2024 Winners!
Last week, the HSJ Awards celebrated incredible achievements across healthcare, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners for their outstanding contributions.
Royal College of General Practice Roundtable
I was delighted to attend the RCGP Breakfast Roundtable last week, where key thinkers and leaders, including Sally Warren, Director General of the Ten-Year Plan, gathered to discuss the role of general practice in transforming the NHS.
Dr. Caroline Taylor shares her thoughts from the HSJ Integrated Care Summit
Was good to hear from the Minister, Stephen Kinnock MP in what was one of his first conferences since taking office and from Sally Warren on the 10-year plan.
Public Policy Projects (PPP) Integrated Care Delivery Forum
Joint CEO, Katrina Percy, attended a recent panel on Embedding an innovation culture in health and care at the PPP Integrated Care delivery Forum
The NAPC Welcomes Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation of the NHS in England
We recognise that this is the first step, the diagnosis and the beginning of radical reform for the NHS.
Cornwall NHS project shortlisted for prestigious national award
The joint entry is for the Community Health and Wellbeing Worker model, a collaboration between the NHS and voluntary sector.
Let’s change the narrative around access
By Dr Minesh Patel National Association of Primary Care board member