The National Association Primary Care (NAPC) is a not-for-profit membership organisation that leads change and innovation in primary care. We have a track record of doing this by providing hope, joy and meaning to the workforce. We acknowledge that all of this needs to be achieved in an economically sustainable way that improves patient satisfaction and increases professional experience and retention.
Through our extensive network of highly experienced professionals, the NAPC has a wealth of expertise covering care model redesign, system transformation, health technology, strategy, finance, analytics, facilitation, leadership development and clinical expertise across health and care. We work with health and care organisations in the UK to lead change in primary and integrated care.
Care Navigation training recognises the important role of frontline staff in primary care and supports them to signpost people to the right services, which empowers patients to support their own health and wellbeing and improves access to primary care services.
Sam, Chantelle and Jenni increasingly noticed many carers in their practices reported that their health and social needs were not being met.
Pooling resources improves access, recruitment and training
Encouraging health promotion
Improving the numbers of nursing students applying to work in primary care