Care navigation is a hot topic at the moment with the launch of the NHS England national care navigation training programme earlier this month. The NAPC are supporting the delivery of the programme by providing training to every GP practice in England. For the past decade, we have been at the forefront of development and championing this important role and vital skill set.
In this episode of the NAPC podcast our host, Katrina Percy discusses care navigation with two of the champions, Sheinaz Stansfield, NAPC Life Member and Practice Manager in Gateshead and Prof. Ash Soni, NAPC President – both of whom were involved in initial care navigation pilot many years ago.
Katrina begins her discussion with Sheinaz, who trained the very first two care navigators back in 2015 and Prof Ash Soni who trained care navigators in his community pharmacy. She explores with them the impact this role has beyond general practice on improving the health and wellbeing of local populations.