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Election Statement from NAPC

Joint Chief Executive Matthew Walker said “We need to see a renewed commitment to improve the health and wellbeing of the nation by genuinely supporting clinicians and citizens to take a more proactive approach. We can make a meaningful impact not in years but in weeks and months. This must be supported by organisations across primary and secondary care, working in partnership to provide services that work for communities.”

NAPC response to Matthew Taylor’s speech at NHS ConfedExpo June 2024

The NAPC has long been championing the need to get serious about prevention, so it was good to hear Matthew Taylor, CEO NHS Confed, agreeing with us that a radical change is needed to “address an NHS stuck in perpetual crisis management”.

Case Studies
Nikki’s experience of Care Navigation training

Care Navigation training recognises the important role of frontline staff in primary care and supports them to signpost people to the right services, which empowers patients to support their own health and wellbeing and improves access to primary care services.

Case Studies
My CARE Journey: Participation led to valuable networking and greater job satisfaction

Attending the CARE programme enabled me to build valuable connections with other health professionals, particularly within my sphere of expertise relating to respiratory care in children.  ​

Case Studies
Personalised care improves diabetes compliance amongst minority ethnic patients​

Diana faced the challenge of low engagement among minority ethnic patients in diabetes management within her practice.

Case Studies
Care Navigation in Tyne and Wear 

Care Navigation training recognises the important role of frontline staff in primary care and supports them to signpost people to the right services, which empowers patients to support their own health and wellbeing and improves access to primary care services. 

Case Studies
Chronic Disease Care

Personalised multimorbid reviews can improve uptake and save GP time​

Case Studies
Improving Vaccine uptake in Care Homes

A proactive approach reduces hospital admissions

Community Health and Wellbeing Workers Episode 3

In this episode, our host, Katrina Percy, meets Maureen and Nahima, two of the first Community Health and Wellbeing Workers in the country, and Dr Connie Jungens who’s been implementing this model with them.

Community health wellbeing workers challenge an NHS based on clinical need

You can now read Dr. Johnny Marshall’s (NAPC Senior Leadership Team) piece in ‘Healthcare Leader’ on how Community Health and Wellbeing Workers present a solution to health inequality and challenge the principle of an NHS based on clinical need.