Roundtable Report: A local answer to a national question?
Summary of a round table discussion organised by Vanguard Healthcare, NAPC and Closer Still Media, bringing together key figures across the different sectors of the NHS.
NPCN Report First contact care
Setting objectives for 2016 – discussing innovative changes needed to transform primary care and compiling a list of initiatives reduce the GP pressure.
NPCN Report: The Primary Care Home
Hear back from delegates as they divide themselves into discussion groups to discuss four specific aspects of the Primary Care Home.
PIN5 Detection of Coeliac Disease Using Pharmacy
Final report summarising findings in association with Coeliac UK, focused on the under-diagnosis of coeliac disease in the UK population, by making use of the accessibility and capacity of community pharmacies.
RPS & NAPC Consultation Document
Improving patient care through better general practice and community pharmacy integration.
Primary Care in the NHS: Busting the myths
The NAPC teamed up with NHS Confederation to create their third myth buster talking about common misconceptions and myths surrounding Primary Care.