PCH: exploring the potential for dental care to add value
There is a strong case for the inclusion of dental care in the PCH model.
Providing accountable care
Comparing the delivery of primary care in the UK and the USA through accountable care systems and organisations.
The development of nursing within new models of care
Nursing development within new models of care, such as PCHs, and the issues surrounding it.
Primary care home: evaluation of the model
The Nuffield Trust’s evaluation is based on reviews of 13 of the rapid test sites’ plans and priorities for building the mode.
The financial challenges facing general practice
We asked general practitioners (GPs) and practice managers about the current financial challenges facing general practice. Their responses highlight a number of serious concerns about the issues facing general practice.
Lambeth PCN evaluation report
An evaluation by the Tavistock Institute of the Primary Care Navigator programme in South Lambeth.
Improving accountability in the provision of new models of care
The Winter Review, latest in the series of reports from NPCN.
Does the primary care home make a difference?
Key findings from an assessment of three primary care home rapid test sites.
Reading well books on prescription booklet for GPs
A booklet produced and written by the NAPC that provides GPs with information about Reading Well Books on Prescription.