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CARE Journey

Lorna began her career as a receptionist and then went onto become a  deputy practice manager in a local GP practice with a passion for child health and wellbeing. In 2021, she moved to a new managerial role in a Primary Care Network (PCN) encompassing four practices. 

After attending the CARE programme in October 2021, Lorna was inspired to develop her ideas for improving patient services. 

The programme boosted her confidence to build lasting relationships with key stakeholders in the health, social, and voluntary sectors. 

Applying her learning from the CARE programme, Lorna has been instrumental in developing the PCN teams and establishing a specific child health multidisciplinary team (MDT) within the PCN, supported by multiple agencies.

The Impact

  • Lorna felt more encouraged to think innovatively and strategically
  • Lorna has developed relationships with local stakeholders using the influencing skills gained form CARE
  • Lorna is now a member of the ‘Save the Children’ working group and local multi-agency children’s Partnership Group
  • Lorna has grown in confidence 

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