The NAPC understands how important the role of the health and care workforce is in the delivery of high-quality patient care. Our work to support systems improve their individual and team development, recognises the opportunity for the health and care workforce to improve services by utilising the in-depth knowledge of the systems they work in.
The CARE Programme – Connected, Authentic, Resilient, Empowered – has been running for four years. CARE is a learning and development programme that empowers healthcare professionals to play a key role within their system.
Read more here about the positive impact this training has had for participants
NHS England found that effective care navigation could direct over 15% of patients to either teams that could better help them or to the most appropriate healthcare professional for assessment and response – without the need to see a GP.
National care navigation skills training is available for practices and PCNs nationally, offering both foundation and advanced skills training.
If you think your practice or PCN would benefit from Care Navigation training, please contact us on or you can read more about it here.
In addition to supporting and empowering healthcare staff through our national programmes, the NAPC also provides a confidential coaching service. Our qualified and highly experienced coaches can deliver developmental coaching as well as cover a range of specialisms from neighbourhood care development to digital leadership. You will work closely with your coach to develop a programme that is bespoke to your needs.
Our coaching services