Aysha Badat
Advanced Clinical Practitioner & Practice Nurse
The Challenge
Aysha works in a significantly deprived area where the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic with severe financial and operational pressures reduced face to face consultations and almost ended structured education activities. In these difficult times she identified a pressing need to support patients with diabetes.
Positive impact on HbA1c and BMI mean patients are likely to see their GPs seven times less each year.
The Innovation
Aysha initiated a proactive Quality Improvement Project, providing virtual diabetes group consultations, educational workshops, motivational interviewing, and personalised care through goal-setting.
Rapid NHS-Digital innovations during the pandemic allowed her to utilise an approved digital platform, ensuring high-quality care and maintaining of QOF standards.
Aysha’s clinical expertise and prior experience in face-to-face group education allowed her to achieve dual goals: personalised education while meeting mandatory standards, a definite win-win!
Improvements in health markers intervention
The Impact
- Practitioner: Increased confidence and emotional intelligence, while developing transformational leadership skills to influence system leaders.
- Patients: Improved access and outcomes
- System: Improved collaboration with system partners including NHSE, Diabetes UK and the local Training Hub