Nikki’s experience of Care Navigation training
Care Navigation training recognises the important role of frontline staff in primary care and supports them to signpost people to the right services, which empowers patients to support their own health and wellbeing and improves access to primary care services.
Lisa’s CARE Journey
Participation led to valuable networking and greater job satisfaction
Personalised care improves diabetes compliance amongst minority ethnic patients
Diana faced the challenge of low engagement among minority ethnic patients in diabetes management within her practice.
Care Navigation in Tyne and Wear
Care Navigation training recognises the important role of frontline staff in primary care and supports them to signpost people to the right services, which empowers patients to support their own health and wellbeing and improves access to primary care services.
Improving Vaccine uptake in Care Homes
A proactive approach reduces hospital admissions
Collaborative Nurse Clinics
Pooling resources improves access, recruitment and training
Forming Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) around ‘natural’ communities – the Dorset approach
Our work in Dorset was initially focused on older people but quite quickly it became apparent that there was a desire to adopt this as an all-age approach. This emerged from an extensive listening exercise involving around 150 people.
Staff Recruitment
Social media helps to fill vacant posts and build a more diverse team