Creating Integrated Neighbourhood Teams: Learning from experience
This paper is the collective view of the NAPC Leadership and brings together NAPC’s experience of how to make INTs work and how to manage the challenging process of change, bringing in evidence from the UK and internationally.
NAPC’s Response to The NHS 2025/26 Priorities and Operational Planning Guidance
The NHS priorities and operational guidance for 25/26 has been released with a focus on the need to ‘drive the reform that will support delivery of our immediate priorities and ensure the NHS is fit for the future’
Building Active Connected Communities
Growing Social Connection Through Physical Activities
Our urgent and emergency care improvement proposals
A joint statement on reform from: the Patients Association, Royal College of
Emergency Medicine, Royal College of General Practitioners, College of
Paramedics, National Association of Primary Care, Association of Ambulance
Chief Executives
Improving health and wellbeing of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients
A social prescribing approach to holistic support
Tackling Health Inequalities
Creating a wellbeing hub for black and ethnic minority women